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朋友圈情绪文案 想让你吃醋,又怕你祝我幸福

100次浏览     发布时间:2024-11-13 08:19:56    


You don't know, do you? Every coincidence has my efforts.


Even if it is out of reach, I have the idea of wanting to touch it.


I am separated from you by a long wind and a deep valley, so I can't get close to you and I can't give up.


We will grow old slowly, but we live far apart.

有太多孤独的人,害怕先踏出第 一步。

"There are too many lonely people who are afraid to take the first step.


A person who always looks back can't walk far.


If I had known it was so frustrating, why not get to know each other at the beginning?


In the past, horses and chariots were slow, but friendship never broke. Now information is fast, but contact is no longer frequent.

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